Emily Bites

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Sep 17

CONTEST CLOSED: Barilla Piccolini Rich in Fiber Giveaway!

Calling all pasta lovers! I hear fairly frequently from people that want to eat healthier and choose point-friendly pasta but they just aren’t fans of the texture and flavor of wheat varieties. I happen to love pasta of any kind (wheat, white, whole grain, protein enriched, fiber enriched, you name it) but when Barilla contacted me about trying their new Piccolini Rich in Fiber White Pasta varieties, I got pretty excited on behalf of all you wheat pasta haters. Besides being cute (Piccolini is code for mini pasta) these varieties have the same WW P+ values as wheat pasta and three times the fiber as white pasta, but they look, feel and taste just like traditional white pasta.

Barilla Piccolini Rich in Fiber comes in three varieties: mini penne (ridged tubes cut on the bias), mini conchiglie (ridged shells) and mini rotini (spirals). I used the rotini in my Creamy Stove Top Macaroni & Cheese this past week and it was absolutely delicious. It really does look, taste and feel just like traditional white pasta, just for less P+!

Want to try it for yourself? One lucky winner will receive SIX boxes of Barilla Piccolini Rich in Fiber as well as TWO coupons for a free box!

I’m giving you FIVE possible entries to win:

Entry: “Like” the Barilla Facebook Page and leave a comment there telling them you’re entering the giveaway on emilybites.com (feel free to tag my Facebook page in the post). Then post a comment below (on this post) to let me know you did.
Bonus Entry: Become a fan of Emily Bites on Facebook and leave a second comment below (here, not on Facebook) letting me know you did. If you are already a fan, you can say that instead!
Extra Bonus Entry: Follow @emilybitesblog on Twitter and leave a third comment below letting me know you did.
Double Extra Bonus Entry: Follow emilybitesblog on Pinterest to have access to my top picks of the web and leave a post below letting me know you did.
Final Extra Bonus Entry: Follow @BarillaUS on Twitter and leave a comment below letting me know you did.

Note: Please make sure you enter your name and email address when commenting so I will have a way to contact you if you win! Also, be sure to leave a separate comment below for each entry to maximize your chances of winning!

That’s five potential chances for each of you to win! Winners will be selected by random.org on Saturday, September 24th at 12:00 NOON EST. Enter below and it could be you – good luck!

The winner has been chosen! Out of 83 comments, random.org selected comment #83, so it was really easy for me to figure out who won without counting this time – phew. Without further ado, congratulations to Fran (MsHellion)! Thank you to everyone who entered.

84 comments on “CONTEST CLOSED: Barilla Piccolini Rich in Fiber Giveaway!”

  1. Just became a FB fan of Barilla pasta!
    [email protected]

  2. Already a fan of Emilybites on FB. Love your recipes!
    Becky, [email protected]

  3. Following Emilybitesblog on Twitter now. Whoo Hoo!
    Becky, [email protected]

  4. Following BarillaUS on Twitter now.
    Becky, [email protected]

  5. Love your recipes. Thanks!

  6. Following Emilybitesblog on Pinterest now!
    Becky, [email protected]

  7. already a fan.thanks

  8. already a fan [email protected] thanks..diane conover

  9. posted on barilla also thanks [email protected]

  10. just became a fan of barilla and posted and I am already a friend of yours on fb. [email protected]

  11. I became a fan of Emily Bites on Facebook 🙂

    [email protected]

  12. I became a fan of Barilla on Facebook

    [email protected]

  13. “liked” Barilla on Facebook
    Rebecca: [email protected]

  14. already “like” you on Facebook
    Rebecca: [email protected]

  15. I like the Barilla Facebook page!
    [email protected]

  16. I am already a fan of your facebook page!
    [email protected]

  17. I follow your blog on Pinterest!
    [email protected]

  18. I liked emilybites on Facebook & Twitter!!

  19. Already a fan of Emily Bites on facebook. =)
    [email protected]

  20. Following emilybitesblog on Pinterest too.
    [email protected]

  21. I entered the Barilla giveaway – can’t wait to try the pasta. I’m with you, i like pasta any old way and this sounds really good. Thanks for the contest!

  22. I am already a fan of Emilybites on Facebook! ([email protected])

  23. I just became a fan of Barilla on Facebook! ([email protected])

  24. Already a fan of Emilybites on facebook!
    [email protected]

  25. I just became a fan of Barilla on Facebook!
    [email protected]

  26. I just became a follower of Barilla on twitter!
    [email protected]

  27. I follow emilybites on twitter!
    [email protected]

  28. I follow emilybitesblog on pininterest.
    [email protected]

  29. I already follow you on FB!

  30. And I also follow you on twitter

  31. I liked the facebook page!
    [email protected]

  32. I’m a fan of your facebook page!
    [email protected]

  33. I’m following you on twitter! (my twitter is jessicapati11)
    [email protected]

  34. I’m following @Barilla US on twitter!
    [email protected]

  35. Like Barilla on FB (susanb)

  36. Like you on FB

  37. I liked the Barilla FB page and tagged your FB page!

  38. I’m already a fan of you on FB 🙂

  39. I’m also already following you on Pinterest!

  40. oh, entry fail. I forgot to leave my email. It’s [email protected].

  41. I’m already a fan on FB!

  42. I am now a fan of Emily Bites on FB!

  43. Following you on Pinterest! (Totally addicted to that site!)

  44. Alright, so I like you on facebook.

  45. I like Barilla on FB…

  46. I’m in the process of getting a pinterest (is that how you phrase that?)

  47. I’m following Emily Bites on twitter, even though I have no idea how to work twitter…

  48. And now I’m following Barila, too! I really want that pasta! 🙂

  49. I just became a facebook fan of Brila and Emily Bites.I hope i score some pasta it would be great!That is BARILLA lol!!
    [email protected] (Brenda Cushman)

  50. I’m already a Facebook fan!

    [email protected]

  51. I’m also following you on Pinterest!

    [email protected]

  52. I’m following you on Pinterest!
    [email protected]

  53. Liked Barilla on fb!

  54. Already a fan of yours on fb!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Already am a fan on pinterest too!

    [email protected]

  57. already liked your page on facebook
    [email protected]

  58. following you on twitter! (i am kbelllla)
    [email protected]

  59. following barilla on twitter! (kbelllla)
    [email protected]

  60. liked Barilla on FB

  61. Already liked emilybites on Fb

  62. Already following you on Twitter!

    [email protected]

  63. Already liked your page on Facebook! 🙂

    [email protected]

  64. I liked the Barilla FB page & wrote on their wall.
    I am already a fan of Emily Bites on FB & Twitter.
    I started following your Pinterest.
    I started following Barilla on twitter.

  65. Just started following @BarillaUS on Twitter! 🙂

    [email protected]

  66. I’m a fan of EmilyBites on Facebook. Love your recipes!

    [email protected]

  67. I liked you on Pinterest!
    Mehgan Drake
    [email protected]

  68. I liked you on FB!
    Mehgan Drake
    [email protected]

  69. I commented on Barilla’s FB page!
    Mehgan Drake
    [email protected]

  70. I’m following you on Twitter!
    Mehgan Drake
    [email protected]

  71. I’m following Barilla on Twitter
    Mehgan Drake
    [email protected]

  72. I just became a fan of Barilla pasta on FB
    michele rolfe
    [email protected]

  73. I’ve been a fan of emilybites.com
    [email protected]

  74. i’m following emilybites on Pinterest.
    [email protected]

  75. I’m a fan of emilybites.com; I ‘liked’ your FB page as well as your Twitter account (before I even knew about the contest); and posted a comment (and liked) Barilla’s page.

    Love the recipes and inspiration! Keep them coming!

    Fran ([email protected])

  76. WHOA! Are you kidding me? *LOL* Awesome!!!

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