I love layered bean dip. In Buffalo we have a local chain called Mighty Taco, and their layered bean dip is my favorite thing to order. Theirs...
After the Lasagna Cupcakes I made a few weeks ago were a huge success, I started thinking that I could apply the same concept to make Taco...
These 15 Minute Stacked Tostadas are absolutely going to be my go-to meal moving forward on nights I don’t feel like cooking. I’m actually kind of freaking...
This, to me, is the perfect Margherita pizza. The crust is thin, light and crispy. The sauce is thick and tomato-y. The fresh mozzarella is mild and...
I love fruity desserts. I get it from my dad, the apple pie-lover. Crisps are especially fantastic because you get all the best parts (warm, gooey fruit...
They say your taste buds change every seven years. This dish is proof of that for me because it’s something I never would have tried a few...