I’m always on the lookout for new main course “muffin” ideas, and after using the Bisquick Heart Smart Mix a few weeks ago to make my Banana Pancake Bites, I was excited to stumble across a recipe...
Roasted Poblano Corn Chowder
A new restaurant opened in my area a few months ago that sells an absolutely to-die-for Roasted Poblano Corn Chowder. I’m pretty sure I could eat it every day. The first time I tried it I knew...
Cheesy Potluck Potatoes
I often forget to plan ahead and post a holiday-themed recipe before the holiday actually occurs so that you all can make it too, but this time I remembered! I am so proud of myself. I know...
Parmesan Zucchini Rounds
It was so sunny and warm last week that I started getting prematurely excited for one of my favorite summer vegetables, zucchini. Of course, it went back to being cold this week and even snowed last night...
Bacon, Cheddar and Beer Risotto
This Bacon, Cheddar and Beer Risotto is not one of those pretentious, intimidating, fancy-schmancy risottos. Don’t get me wrong, I love those too (see Tomato Sausage Risotto or Mushroom Risotto). This risotto contains beer. And bacon. And...
Cheesy Chicken and Stuffing Bake
This Cheesy Chicken and Stuffing Bake is one of my ultimate comfort food recipes. I’ve always called this “Company Chicken” because my mom likes to make it on holidays or when we have company. It reminds me...
Taco Wrap Deluxe
I went to Taco Bell for the first time in about 10 years last week. You see, here in Buffalo we have an awesome and wildly popular local taco chain called Mighty Taco, so no one here...
Banana Pancake Bites
“Waking up too early Maybe we can sleep in I’ll make you banana pancakes Pretend like it’s the weekend now And we could pretend it all the time” – Jack Johnson I completely identify with the sentiment...